l am a big advocate of donating usable items if you do not want to try to sell them on your own. I can deliver your decluttered items to a donation center for you or the following are a few locations you could take donations around the KC Metro:
I am a big advocate of disposing of waste properly. I can deliver items to the proper location for you or the following are locations where you can recycle or dispose of old or used items in Johnson County:
Non-hazardous recyclable waste:
Overland Park Recycling Center
Hazardous Waste:
*Both hazardous waste locations are by appointment only except the Olathe location accepts items without an appointment on the second Saturday of each month.
Expired/Old Medications:
Overland Park Police Department Drop off Location
Food Waste:
Companies around KC who offer composting services include:
Various Items to be Recycled
Overland Park Recycling Extravaganza
Saturday, April 26, 2025 9AM to 2PM at Black & Veatch 11401 Lamar Ave, Overland Park, KS 66211
Bulky Trash Pickup in Overland Park
No longer biennial pickup...now you can schedule it through your contracted trash hauler annually.